Choices for the Fundraiser |
Genevera sent me the 3 photos on the above left as options as a picture of me for the fundraiser flyer. The photo on the right was one I thought of as a possibility.
I decided this morning to go with the one where I was in red, that
Cat Palmer took for her Transgender display last year. After all red is my power color, I'm all about the RED!!
I was just thinking back over the last couple of days. I fell yesterday trying to keep my MIDI keyboard and other shit from tipping over. (See
yesterday's post)
Today I went into Trader Joe's and got a few things, and then into Natural Grocer's to get a few more things. I had gotten a few cans of things and some spaghetti, when I suddenly felt so weak. I could hardly move my legs and just picking up a can was hard. In fact I dropped one can and one of the other shoppers picked it up for me.
I decided to cut the shopping short at that point, I needed to get home ASAP. I couldn't even carry the basket at that point, I left it at the checkout stand while I found one last item. After I checked out I asked if someone could help me by carrying my items out. That same shopper said she would help me out.
When I got home, I didn't dare try to carry the small box of things into the house. I left them in the car for Sue to get. I thought I could carry the two bags from Trader Joe's in safely because it was with my arms at my sides and kind of balanced.
But just after I went through our back gate, I lost my balance, dropped the bags, spun slightly and started falling over. I broke the fall by grabbing a pipe that supports one of the pergola's legs on my way down. So I landed on my butt and my head didn't hit the ground.
However, I was too weak to pick myself up. I pulled out my cell phone and called Sue. She came out and tried to help me up, but I was in too awkward a position and could not get enough leverage to get my legs under me. She finally went back in the house, got the walker and with it on one side of me and the pipe on the other I was able to get my legs under me and stand up. Using the walker I made it to the stairs and was able to get into my room.
Sue made some spaghetti and I went to bed and slept until a few minutes ago. I started thinking about how I've been facing the end of my life for most of this year. I can't count the number of times, this year, I've thought that I should get my affairs in order.
Then the title of this song popped into my head. For some reason I was thinking it was a Marty Robbins song, but this was the only song that popped out at me when I did a search on YouTube.
This has always been one of my favorite Moody Blues songs. For some reason I kinda relate this song to Kim, I can't remember exactly why. If I remember right, she really liked the album it was on.
YouTube (Vevo):
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