No brakes.... |
My poor baby!! |
CeCe looks cool even on the back of a tow truck!! |
So I left Jitter Bug Coffee and headed west on 2100 South in Salt Lake City to pick up a few things at Costco. Just past Main Street I pressed on the brakes to slow down a little and they felt slightly odd. I was like hmm... that's odd. I pumped them a little and I think once the pedal went to the floor. So I slowed to a crawl and pulled into the next parking lot I came to.
I wanted to find a shady parking place in case I had to wait in the very hot afternoon sun. There were very few trees by the parking spaces, the only empty one clear at the far (north) end. I called SueZQ to alert her that I had a situation. I debated whether to try to crawl home, but finally decided the risk of something bad happening was extreme.
So I called AAA, but I had NO idea what the address was. I told them I was east of the Chevron station on the corner of 2100 South and 300 West but they couldn't seem to get that. Finally I told them I was directly across the street from the entrance to the Best Buy. I could look straight south at the entrance to Best Buy. I emphasized that I was across the street.
Naturally, a few minutes later I saw the AAA truck pull into the Best Buy and start driving around. I was like shit! But after a minute the driver called and asked where I was. I walked into the Chevron parking lot so they could see me (wearing a blue skirt and explained that I was across the street and they came right over.
By that point CeCe had no brakes at all, the pedal just went clear to the floor (thank heavens I didn't try to make it home!!!!). We had to use the emergency / parking brake to move her where she could be loaded on the truck.
When I told Bruce at the coffee shop what happened he said I must have angels watching over me. I'm pretty sure they just ride along with me!! ;)
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