Saturday, August 20, 2016

"Black Celebration" by Depeche Mode

I knew when I wrote that post last night it was a bold move!  I would say 2016 has been a bitch, but that would be one of the biggest understatements ever!  It would be like calling the RMS Titanic the SS Minnow that shipwrecked on Gilligan's Island.

Every time we told somebody we were "getting a handle on it" or anything along the those lines, 2016 has upped the ante and things got worse.  So the events today didn't surprise me in the least.

Everything I tried to do today was pretty much a fail.  I wanted to try to get a run in this morning.  Went to the Millcreek Rec. Center and they'd resurfaced the gymnasium and the VOCs were nasty.  I can't breathe that shit.  The young man at the desk told me that they weren't going to resurface the gymnasium at the Holladay Lions Rec. Center until next week so I ran over there.  I got in the Women's locker room and realized the locks I had are too small for those locks.  I checked their Lost and Found and they had the lock I had forgotten and left there several weeks ago, but I couldn't find the the key...

Never mind, I won't go into detailing the rest.  It pretty much went the same for everything I tried to do, culminating in an epic fail with the Camaro.  I hope I didn't damage the engine in some way!  Oh, I went over to our neighbors to see if I could put a Misty K. Snow sign on their side of the fence.  He told me if he was going to put any sign up it would be for Trump.  Swell!

Speaking of which, on Tuesday, Paige came up with the great idea of painting the Camaro black with a transgender flag on the hood and calling it "Black Celebration" after this song.

So I was feeling kinda down tonight.  But I was looking in the mirror and realized I'm still beautiful and amazing!  I LOVE ME and who I am!!  So you know what: I say FUCK YOU to 2016!  Let's ROCK!

We were actually listening to the "Black Celebration" (vinyl) record this morning and for the first time I realized what it was about:

So this song is absolutely perfect for today!

YouTube (live 1986):
YouTube (live 1986):
YouTube (live 2013):

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