Thursday, January 5, 2017

"Changes" by David Bowie

After I had lunch with Wendy Jean yesterday, I popped into the Black Velvet Boutique (in Clearfield. Utah) to drop off a thank you for their support of the Genderevolution Conference again last year.

A beautiful and delightful woman named Katie was minding the store.  We were commiserating about what a nasty year 2016 was.  She explained her theory that David Bowie was the fabric that held The Universe together and since his passing, everything is coming undone.  Good theory! I like it!!!

Actually I need to back up a couple of days... um, okay... my bras haven't been feeling quite right lately, so I pulled out an older B-cup bra that I had purchased a while ago.  I put it on and was quite surprised by the fairly large air gap.

I don't remember how much of this I mentioned previously in my blog, but my hormones got jacked last summer and my male characteristics came back.  All the time spent doing hair removal was negated, my beard and other body hair I had eliminated came back.

I had been using a thinning hair treatment for over a year and was very pleased with the results.  I had even started going out without wearing something to cover the top of my head.  Much of it fell back out last summer.  My hairbrush looked like a furry animal  :(

Estrogen (Estridiol) has been amazing for me!  I know absolutely that my brain needs Estrogen to function correctly!*  I'm much more stable, less stressed and much less depressed since I started HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).

But, then, last summer that fell apart too, I was all sorts of messed up mentally!  SueZQ said it was like Scott had returned.  SueZQ also confirmed that she had noticed my bald spot and beard had reappeared.

All of that was very disheartening.  I finally decided to permanently eliminate the grief with Testosterone.  Which, I feel, brought to light some transgender discrimination, but that is a story for another day...

Anyway, I found a gorgeous red and black corset at Black Velvet Boutique that I just had to have.  I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning, wearing it, and I love it!  It makes me feel beautiful and happy!

So even though my figure isn't as feminine as it was, I still *LOVE* who I am!  For me, being transgender IS the BEST THING that ever happened to me!!

I was thinking about all the changes over the past months, all the major changes over last few years and thought this was a good song for today :)

Well, this is turning out to be a much longer post than I had intended, I should wrap it up.  But, in watching the "Lyric" video I realized this song and especially the one verse is relevant for transgender people:

And these children that you spit on
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultations
They're quite aware of what they're going through

Damn!  Also note in the lyric video: I'm pretty sure it's "strange changes", not "strain".  Gotta love the "lyric" videos, LOL!

YouTube (lyrics):

* = I had a conversation with a Trans-Man at one of the Genderevolution Committee meetings at the Utah Pride Center in 2015 about how our brains know exactly what hormones they need to function correctly.  Since then I've read articles that science has confirmed that:
Scientific American:

New Scientist:

Medical Daily:

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