Friday, February 21, 2020

"The End" - Sibylle Baier

This old car just brings me so much joy

I tried to start the Plymouth a few days ago and it wouldn't even turn over.  I tried charging the battery but it still wouldn't go.  Turned out the starter cable is loose in the connector.



Status Coup interviewing Michael Moore:

YouTube (Coup):

1 comment:

  1. Why do you feel the need to point out that you're transgender? What does this have to do with music? The obvious answer is NOTHING! As a leftist (which I know that you are) why do you feel the need to incorporate sexual identity into a music blog? These are serious questions. I'm not here to ridicule. I would like some serious answers. Please....I asked these questions in a direct manner so I'm now asking for a direct response. I want you to explain to me how sharing the music that you love intertwines with having your sex organs rearranged and reclassified and feeling the need to point that out.
