Friday, March 27, 2020

"You Ruin Me" by The Veronicas

Masking to paint the upper pink stripe of the trans flag was THE WORST!!!
And then the weather on my phone said it's going to rain tomorrow
One of the effects of MS I have is inhaling (aspirating) liquids (often saliva) and even food all the time.  So speaking of the worst, I inhaled some syrup this morning.  It was 10 or 20 times WORSE than anything I have ever inhaled before.  I was hacking, chocking, coughing, couldn't breathe, for like 20 minutes or more.

And afterwards my throat just burned every time I inhaled.  I finally called my doctor's office, but she was out today was out today.  Her nurse advised me to go to the InstaCare.  SjeZQ drove me over there.  They had Covid-19 drive through testing set up, but it said you had to be pre-screened.  I wasn't really there for that anyway.

I had to go in, in the foyer I was given a mask and a slip of paper that had a number to call and was sent back to the truck.  I talked to someone and they said to come back in.  The doctor listened to my lungs and didn't feel I had any liquid in them.  But since I've had a mild cough they decided to test me for Covid-19.

A different doctor came in, basically in a hazmat suit and put a Q-tip up both my nostrils.  It didn't hurt really bad, but it made my eyes water.  I guess I'll know in 3 to 5 days.  :/


Anyway, I really wanted to paint the pink stripe on CeCe (the Plymouth) so I started masking it off for it.  This was absolutely THE WORST, hardest masking I've done.  The door handles were a bitch and matching the lines on the car was tricky.  The door lock was a bitch and it didn't even hold.  I going try putting tape over it and cutting around it with a razor blade???

I saw this video tonight, despite maybe being a little over dramatic, I thought this  video had A LOT of helpful / factual information about the Corona virus.


Myth-Busting Coronavirus (COVID-19) with Dr. Fauci - Give Back #WithMe

YouTube (Lilly Singh):

U.S. Coronavirus Cases Top 100,000 As Trump Demands Praise From Governors

YouTube (MSNBC):


I love The Veronicas!! And their videos are always so incredible. They have cool outfits, cars, buildings and things.


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